- An Indian named Chilos, who had for 6 years been domesticated with the settlers, ravished a young girl in the absence of the family, and fled. He was pursued and killed. Or. American, Aug. 16, 1848; Or. Spectator, June 1, 1848. Elijah Bristow was attacked, but repulsed the savages without firing on them. Bristow's Rencounters, MS., A7.
- R. C. Geer was captain of a company in the Waldo Hills; Allen Davy of a company in the Santiam; Richard Miller between Abiqua and Butte creeks in the northern part of Champoeg County; and Samuel Parker of a company near Salem. R. C. Geer, in Salem Or. Statesman, in San Jose Pioneer, Sept. 1, 1877.
- One account says 150 men were gathered at the house of J. Warnock in the same neighborhood, and that the Indians had declared they would cut the throats of Miller's, Warnock's, and Pattsrson's families. Id.
- The names mentioned in the accounts above quoted from are William Parker, James Harpole, Wilburn King, James Brown, S. D. Maxon, L. A. Bird, Israel Shaw, Robert Shaw, King Hibbard, William Brisbane, (Miles) Winchester, Port Gilliam, William Thomas Howell, George Howell, William Hendricks, Lew Goff, Leander Davis, G. W. Hunt, James Williams, J. Warnock, J. W. Shrum, Thomas Shrum, Elias Cox, Cyrus Smith, T. B. Allen, Henry Shrum, and Jacob Caplinger; probably the most prominent men.
- It has been a matter of dispute that such a battle was ever fought as the engagement on the Abiqua; and, according to Minto, this blunder was the reason of the silence. Those who were not concerned in it laughed at those who were for `killing squaws;' and it was tacitly agreed to say nothing about it. The matter almost passed out of recollection, when it was revived and discussed in 1877, and the facts brought out. It shows that the early Oregon settlers did not wantonly kill Indians and boast of it, as they were accused of doing at a later period. Minto's Early Day's MS., 41-6; J. Henry Brown and H. L. McNary, in Willamette Farmer, Mar. 24, 1877; Brown's Or. Miscel., MS., 57-8.